April 30, 2024
While general adoption of AMC has more than doubled in the past year, less than one in ten brands self-report using the tool in an advanced way.

This means brands and agencies that can employ sophisticated AMC strategies will have a competitive advantage in terms of reaching customers more efficiently.
Amazon continues to improve AMC capabilities as well, bringing new signals to the tool, more historical data, and more functionality.
Joe O’Connor from Tinuiti joined Stratably Live to share his insights on how to take advantage of more advanced functionalities including:
As Joe shared during the webinar, these capabilities have allowed him and his team to move from an “oh, that’s interesting” response to AMC to a “oh, that’s interesting and let’s now take specific actions based on it”. In other words, it shifted how they use AMC and correspondingly how they execute advertising strategies for their clients.
The session included:
- Historical and current capabilities of AMC
- The value of custom audience creation
- The evolution of path to purchase insights and actionability
- The value of Amazon Insights subscription
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