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“There is no substitute: Russ Dieringer's analysis is very thorough and extremely insightful. Highly recommended."

Harry JoinerFounder,

Who reads Stratably?

Retail leaders across hundreds of consumer brands, agencies, technology companies, and consultancies.

What is Stratably?

So many leaders are stuck in the tyranny of the urgent – today’s meeting, today’s crisis, today’s emails.


It’s incredibly inefficient.


There’s little time for the team to think strategically. I know because I hear crickets when I ask strategic questions like:


  • How are you balancing digital commerce priorities within financial constraints?
  • How are you combatting structural forces pressuring your margins?
  • Where is your growth going to come from over the next 5 years?
  • How are you attracting and retaining the best digital talent?
  • What competitive edges are you developing?

Stratably is your secret weapon.


Stratably is a partner to your eCommerce leadership. Stratably is the one that has the time to read, think, study, and network around the most important topics to BIG consumer brands.


Stratably is designed for Chief Digital Officers, VPs of eCommerce, Chief Marketing Officers, Heads of Retail Media, Directors of Amazon, Directors of Walmart, along with the colleagues that work with them. 


It not only knows what matters and what the challenges are, but it knows what good looks like and it has an unparalleled ability to communicate these findings.


Stratably’s weekly insights have incredibly high engagement rates because they are highly relevant, contain original ideas, and are written in a way that’s enjoyable, rather than a burden.


It builds conviction, arms the eCommerce team with objective outside data, and provides innovative perspectives to consider.

Stratably is more than research for its enterprise clients.

Stratably amplifies the impact of its weekly insights through a diverse set of meetings, presentations and workshops throughout the year, including:


  • Monthly team connects to talk through the research and the market
  • Quarterly market update presentations to the team
  • Onsite presentations to Sr. Executives
  • Education series on critical topics


Limiting itself to a select number of clients, Stratably offers a true partnership where you’re guaranteed to have the top industry analyst focused on your business.


Stratably helps your team gain conviction in their strategies and tactics, sparks new ideas, and ultimately elevates the Digital IQ of the whole organization.

Need custom research to help your brand compete?

Stay ahead with expert-built insights specific to your business.

How does Stratably compare?


Elevating the Digital IQ of a BIG organization is difficult.


It’s urgently important too. eCommerce will account for 50%+ of growth through 2027. Brands must know what’s changing and how to turn that into a competitive edge.


Unfortunately, most brands won’t do this, wasting a generational opportunity.


Digital commerce is simply changing too fast.


90% of the organization grew up in a B&M world, and the 10% that are digitally savvy are overwhelmed with the tyranny of the urgent.


  • They can’t stay on top of the market, let alone educate their colleagues.
  • There’s so much data, but no context
  • Internal tension creates paralysis by analysis
  • Inputs coming from retailers and agencies are biased
  • Inexperienced advisors and analysts peddle “meh” ideas
    …AND there are genuinely difficult strategic questions to answer!


Stratably is designed to solve these challenges for SMART brands that have BIG potential.

#1: 360-degree approach

An elevated Digital IQ means all parts of the organization participate, not just the Amazon account lead.


Stratably delivers powerful written insights, meets regularly with the team to make the research come alive, and connects peers across its network to share best practices. This combination of services creates a sum much bigger than the parts.


#2: The most experienced

Brands think they’re getting experience with incumbent providers.


Big consulting firms were late to the eCommerce game, and they’ll be late to the next growth engine. Inexperienced analysts provide data, but no context. Stratably’s unique combination of process, experience, and communication style is simply more effective and trusted.


#3: Comprehensive & unbiased

No other resource contextualizes the change happening across the entire retail value chain. Stratably’s not selling agency services nor is it trying to make you click. It’s all signal, no noise, and 100% aligned with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stratably+ members will receive at least one report, if not multiple per week. There will, however, be quiet periods around common holidays and then an additional few weeks for vacations.  

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