June 24, 2024

3 minute read

Amazon provides brands with an unprecedented number of tactics, tools, and programs (“levers”) to grow and manage their business.

This challenges brands as it is difficult to parse the signal from the noise, especially if Amazon is pushing certain levers aggressively and / or media publications tout the latest release as “the next big thing”.

We developed Stratably’s Competitive Edge Framework to map how these compare to each other across Adoption and Impact so that brands can prioritize their areas of focus.

  • Adoption: The further to the right, the higher adoption of the lever amongst brands.
  • Impact: The higher up on the map, the larger the impact on growth and / or profitability.

This is a living and breathing framework that we regularly update for our internal purposes, and we know subscribers like you use it in your presentations and are eager to stay up to date on how the Amazon account is changing.

So we’re sharing our most up-to-date version, along with commentary on what changed from when we published it last year.

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