Tag: Product Content

2Q24 Walmart Omnichannel Quarterly Business Review

Article in Benchmarks

May 28, 2024 This Walmart Omnichannel Quarterly Business Review includes All-Signal insights digital leaders need to forecast the business, make critical investment decisions, and compete effectively on the platform. Insights that help answer key questions like: Where is Walmart’s growth coming from? How much should I spend on Walmart Connect? Am I missing out on […]

2Q24 Amazon Quarterly Business Review

Article in Benchmarks

May 13, 2024 Our Amazon quarterly business review includes All-Signal insights digital leaders need to forecast the business, make critical investment decisions, and compete effectively on the platform. It’s driven by Stratably’s proprietary benchmarking and qualitative research with leading brands and the top solution providers in the digital space. It’s designed to cut through industry […]

The Role of Product Detail Pages in Retail Media Budget Decisions

Article in Benchmarks

March 18, 2024 Retail media is having a moment, and it’s an exciting time for digital leaders. As retail media networks (RMNs) continue to proliferate, this means more levers to access shoppers and drive sales. But excitement meets overwhelm when the resources and budgets to support retail media are still limited. Are we investing in […]

Stratably Live 2023: All Webinar Recaps & Replays

Article in Building Blocks

Jan 2, 2024   To kick off 2024, we’re sharing the recaps and replays of 33 webinars we hosted last year spanning eCommerce topics like Amazon, retail media, product content, and more.   If you’re tasked with educating your organization on eCommerce this year – or simply eager to sharpen your own axe – this […]

Takeaways from our Live Session on Instacart Ads, Content, and More Best Practices

Article in Research

November 15, 2023   Stratably hosted Ross Walker and Juan Munoz Dominguez from Acadia to share winning strategies and tactics on Instacart spanning content, ads, and more. Key Topics: Overview of the full-funnel capabilities with Instacart Ads Audience targeting options for Awareness, Consideration/Competition, Purchase, and Loyalty stages of the funnel How to use Instacart’s two […]

5 Ways to Drive Greater Internal Alignment Inside Brand Organizations

Article in Briefings

This is a Gated Article Just for Premium Members Join the Stratably community Access independent research on the omnichannel market Premium membership unlocks: Bite-sized market updates Industry benchmarks Invites to live events Deep dive analyses Retailer forecasts And More! Premium Membership unlocks our full insights that you can use to drive alignment across your organization, […]

Takeaways from our Live Session on Center of Excellence Teams for Data and Content

Article in Research

October 25, 2023   Stratably hosted Jonathan Maier from Salsify to share why a Center of Excellence (CoE) team can help scale your digital data operations effectively and efficiently – and how to actually set up the CoE for success. Key topics: Why it’s important to scale digital data operations Key organizational components for digital […]