Tag: Organizational Research

eCatman Framework and Strategy

Article in Briefings

July 17, 2024 Category Management (Catman) has traditionally focused on in-store strategies, but the rise of eCommerce necessitates the addition of eCategory Management (eCatman). Our webinar, presented in collaboration with Lauren Livak, Executive Director of the Digital Shelf Institute, unpacked the transformative power of eCategory Management (eCatman). As eCommerce continues to rise in prominence, understanding […]

Deep Dive: 2024 Amazon AVN Wrap-Up

Article in Benchmarks

June 27, 2024 2 minute read Log in to download the full report linked at the bottom. With 2024 AVNs closed out for most brands, Stratably and Consulterce teamed up on a benchmark study to understand how the negotiations ended up, the impact to trade terms and profitability, and brands’ key focus areas going forward. […]

Brands Can’t Optimize Retail Media Budgets Fast Enough

Article in Benchmarks

June 6, 2024 3 minute read It’s easy to put more money into retail media. Brands are doing it hand over fist. As a percentage of their sales, our benchmarking suggests: 74% of brands are increasing their retail media budgets this year1 Amazon budgets are growing 50-100 basis points annually 33% are increasing their Walmart […]

The Future of Omni Category Captaincy

Article in Research

June 5, 2024 High performing brands have a unique opportunity to become a leader with their omnichannel retailers, offering collaboration, category insight, and novel consumer data. Chris Perry and Amanda Wolff from Firstmovr shared their seven-step framework for brands interested in capitalizing on the shift to omnichannel mindsets inside retailers: Everyday Excellence Ways of Working […]

AVN Success Helped by Prep Time and Senior Leader Buy-In

Article in Benchmarks

March 14, 2024 4 minute read Amazon annual vendor negotiations (AVNs) are tough. That’s why we’ve had hundreds of brands leverage our webinar, whitepaper, and 5-step framework this year, which provide quantitative data and expert advice to support this critical aspect of their Amazon business. These brands also weighed in on why AVNs are so […]

How to Shatter 4 Silos Negatively Impacting Retail Media Performance

Article in Briefings

This is a Gated Article Just for Premium Members Join the Stratably community Access independent research on the omnichannel market Premium membership unlocks: Bite-sized market updates Industry benchmarks Invites to live events Deep dive analyses Retailer forecasts And More! Premium Membership unlocks our full insights that you can use to drive alignment across your organization, […]

How to Educate Senior Leaders on eCommerce

Article in Building Blocks

January 15, 2024   A core responsibility for digital leaders is to educate their organization on how the retail market is changing.   It’s especially important to educate senior leaders because they control the corporate vision, incentives, and resources that are needed to power omnichannel excellence.   But this is easier said than done.   […]