March 26, 2024 @ 12pm EST


If retail media dollars are being spent to direct a consumer to an incomplete product detail page (PDP) that results in lost ad spend and a negative consumer experience.


This is often a result of different teams, systems, and approaches involved in the strategy and execution of PDPs and media, despite their inter-related nature.


The Digital Shelf Institute (DSI) partnered with Stratably to interview digital leaders and found that 71% of digital leaders from 78 consumer brands say Product Detail Page (PDP) quality significantly influences their ROAS.


Brands have limited ad dollars to spend on the plethora of retail media networks that exist today, but a main factor in their decision is if the retailer has accurate, complete and compelling content. 50% of brands from the study say they have reduced ad spend on a product due to poor PDP content.


Join Lauren Livak, Director of the Digital Shelf Institute, Russ Dieringer, Founder & CEO of Stratably, and Claire McBride, VP Research & Education at Stratably to discover how brands are assessing retail media investments and what determinants go into retail media allocation.